Wakehurst Public School

Friendship, loyalty, learning

Telephone02 9451 1812


Parents and Community Association (P&C)

Welcome to our Wakehurst Public School community!

The WPS Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and community members who want to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students. The P&C helps foster community interest in educational matters at the school, ensuring all parents and carers have a voice in the school community.

The P&C plays an important role in generating additional funds* to improve school facilities and resources that fall outside the allocated school budget. All funds raised go back into making the school a wonderful place for our children. 

Over the years, our dedicated P&C parent community at Wakehurst Public School has co-funded many school-led projects and initiatives including new playground equipment and upgrades, interactive whiteboards, wi-fi, iPads, classroom air-conditioning, literacy and numeracy resources, flexible learning space furniture, library materials and much more.

*The P&C is a not-for-profit entity and all money raised is spent on school equipment, facilities, or programs. Money raised beyond an existing goal is held in trust for future expenditure. All funds go back into making our services and the school a wonderful place for your children.

The P&C is also responsible for managing:

Uniform Shop

Uniform shop opening hours:

Mondays 3-4pm

Fridays 8:45-10am

Shop online: https://wpspandc.com/collections/uniform-shop

Online orders are delivered to classrooms on Monday & Friday.


The canteen is open five days a week and offers a variety of healthy food options. The canteen has a strong focus on environmental sustainability, swapping out single-use plastics and opting for items with fully recyclable or compostable packaging.

For more information visit: WPS Canteen


The school band program offers Year 3-6 students an opportunity to join the training or concert band or the guitar ensemble. The band and guitar ensemble programs aim to provide musical enrichment to our students through the playing of an instrument.

For more information visit: WPS BAND & Guitar Ensemble

Grounds maintenance

The Grounds Committee is a sub-committee of the P&C which works in consultation with staff and parents to maintain the school grounds. 

For more information visit: WPS Grounds

Fundraising, community and social events

The fundraising and events subcommittee team works with the school community to raise funds and organizes social events to bring the community together. Annual fundraising events are essential for providing the school with extra financial resources.

For more information visit: Fundraising & Events


The P&C Communications team is ensuring effective communication between Members of the P&C Association and the school and wider community, using social media and platforms like Facebook, the P&C Website, the School Bytes and Billboard.


The P&C accounts team raises, manages and invests into the school a substantial amount of money each year. The team also manages the planning and tracking of the financial results of the P&C. All P&C funds go back into our services and the school environment for our children.

These services rely heavily on volunteers.

We encourage all parents and carers, new and current, to become involved in our school community. We understand your time is valuable and there are a variety of ways to contribute as much (or as little) as you would like.

To find out how to get involved and volunteer, please visit the P&C website: HELPING WITHIN THE SCHOOL


For more information about WPS P&C:

Follow WPS P&C on Facebook: Wakehurst Public School P&C

To volunteer at a fundraiser or an event - email fundraising@wpspandc.com

To find out more, come along to one of our P&C Meetings - P&C Meetings

Volunteer for a Committee position - email secretary@wpspandc.com

Subscribe to our WhatsApp Channel: Parent Updates WPS P&C

Email the P&C secretary at secretary@wpspandc.com