Our library is an important informational resource, and also helps encourage a love of reading in our students.
The library is open at lunchtimes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for recreational reading, board games (chess, memory etc), borrowing and study.
All classes, from Kindergarten to Year 6, have a library lesson each week during which children may borrow books and take them home.
The school supports the Premier's Reading Challenge and many of the listed books are available for borrowing. Our rules for borrowing are:
- children must have a water resistant library bag (available from the uniform shop);
- books may be kept for two weeks;
- lost or damaged books must be paid for or replaced; and
- students with books overdue for more than four weeks cannot borrow until books are returned.
Parents are welcome to visit the library before or after school to assist their child with book selection if desired. The Librarian is always happy to advise parents of suitable books for their child.
Book club
Twice a term all students may purchase books through the Scholastic Book Club comprising Lucky, Arrow and Star, depending on their reading level. Book club catalogues are sent home with each child.
The purchase of books through Scholastic earns the school resources for the Library. All ordering for Book club is done online.