Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
In science and technology, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.
Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.
Digital technology
All students at Wakehurst attend a sequential Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills program linked with class programs to enhance learning across the key learning areas. These weekly lessons are taught by a specialist ICT teacher in our well-equipped, networked computer room.
General class lessons are also enhanced through the use of interactive whiteboards (Smart boards), class sets of iPads and Chromebooks. Internet facilities are also available in the Library.
Students understand and commit to an email and internet browsing policy (PDF 150KB).
Computer equipment is continually being supplemented and upgraded to meet growing needs in this important area.